
..that capture the imagination ;)

As time progresses and I have more of it, this section will be dedicated to capturing random events that happen within the family. For now enjoy random snapshots.

All decisions regarding format and content are still open. Of course individuals' rights to privacy and desire to avoid potential blackmail will be taken under utmost consideration.

If you have any ideas, email me, the webmaster.


Thanksgiving 2000

Yum Yum Deeelicious!
Click on the Turkey



Someone who is having way too much fun!
Who is this guy?

Day trips to Baltimore? NO problem! New Toy

Okay, who can name all these sisters? Hint: Minnie's daughters.
Secret's Out

Some memories are fonder than others
Happier Times

How happy can a couple get? Ruma and Tariq in Canada

Flowers bloom in all varieties. Lubz, Lubi, Lubna by any name...
Made in the Shade

Kids these days grow up so fast, no? This is Aadil, Lubna's son
All grown up?

Lubz and Nad. Don't they make a lovely couple?
Shiny Happy People

Zaira, Zuhayr, Aaleen and party goers check out the BIG cake
Pooh Bear

The Z-man himself in the latest crib getup
Pooh Bear?

January in South Florida. Ali seems to be enjoying the weather. What do you think?
Flotsam? no.

Rockin' in the F L A. How cool is this?
Hard Rock

Hard Rock Pavillion in back, loud shirt in front.
Soft Rock?

Z-Man makes a dive for the cake while Aaleen couldnt be happier.
Close Call

Is this mamoon, or just a ghostly apparition?
A specter?

Ruma & Tariq mix and match for a Black and White Ball?
Day & Night

Ruma holds close Aleem, Shayaan and someone she just calls 'Kid'
Life's a Zoo

Aleem learns being a programmer isnt all fun and games
Midnight Oil